Awesome Day #7: BCS Championship at the Sports Page

We would have needed a LOT more pitchers to make that game even remotely interesting.
Hey, here's a fun drinking game: watch an LSU-Alabama game and drink every time someone scores a touchdown. It's fun because you don't need to worry about finding a DD, since you'll be more sober than a group of nuns afterwards.
That game was horrendous. I'd rather watch back to back episodes of the Kardashians than watch a game like that again. Fortunately, the day was still awesome, because we abandoned the game after three quarters and got some kick-ass burritos from La Bamba.
Awesome Day #8: Taco Tuesday at Nick's Crispy Tacos

I forgot to take a picture, but here's what it looks like when Georgia and I are eating tacos at Nick's.
Ah, Nick's... far more reliable (and more delicious) than a BCS game. Random side story: this past Halloween, I met Nick at his other restaurant, Tacko. Not only does he make amazing tacos, he was also a fan of my Tony the Tiger costume idea. Good peoples.
Awesome Day #9: Trivia night at St. Stephen's Green

Photo of the winning team, taken by the losing team.
We may have come in second place, but the important thing is that we beat Ansel/Ryan/Quirk/Alyssa's team by a point and a half in dramatic comeback fashion. Also, as you can see from that picture, not only are we "wicked smaht", we're clearly the best looking team as well.
Awesome Day #10: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The name is Blomkvist... Mikael Blomkvist.
After three days in a row at a bar, and eight out of the first nine days of awesome involving at least a little bit of drinking, it was time to do something a little different before this turned into 40 Days of Alcoholism. Day 10 was a dinner at Google and a night at the movies. The movie was good, but I have a few ideas that could have made it better:
- Change Mikael Blomkvist's weapon of choice from "pen" to "pistol"
- Change the name "Mikael" to "James"
- Change the name "Blomkvist" to "Bond"
- Add about 50 more explosions, 17 more fight scenes, and 3 more car chases
Also, fun fact: Rooney Mara, the star of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, is the great-granddaughter of both the founder of the Pittsburgh Steelers and the founder of the New York Giants. So, I now have two reasons to hate her.
Awesome Day #11: Grilling dinner and margaritas

Turns out this sweatshirt is actually pretty warm when I'm not falling into a cold river in Oregon while fishing. Who knew?
Friday night was a pretty calm one for a Friday, as I wanted to make sure I was well rested for Saturday morning. (Look at that: foreshadowing! Who knew this blog had literary devices? I usually barely even feel literate when I'm writing it.) I grilled some blackened salmon and veggies with a friend, then headed over to an apartment in Sunnyvale for a couple margaritas with a few more friends. After some fun "would you rather..."s involving rats, I called it a night and went home to get some sleep. Kate, on the other hand, probably still hasn't slept since we gave her some horrifying new rat images that she won't be able to get out of her head.
Awesome Day #12: 49ers-Saints game!

Still amped up two full days after the game. This must be how drug addicts feel after popping a giant handful of speed and then being wired all weekend from it.
On Saturday, I was lucky enough to go to the 49ers-Saints game, which was basically the exact opposite of the previously mentioned LSU-Alabama game. The game itself was incredible; when talking about it afterwards, we decided that the only two playoff games we can think of that could rival it from our lifetime are the Pats-Giants Super Bowl (with Tyree's helmet catch) and the Rams-Titans Super Bowl (when Mason came up one yard short on the last play of the game.) Also, I may or may not have written that last sentence solely so I could bring up the Pats-Giants Super Bowl again. Suck it, Harrigan/Lanstein/every other Pats fan I know.
Anyway: tons of scoring, close the whole time, a big upset, a few huge plays (the two Vernon Davis catches at the end will probably get the most attention, but the Alex Smith run was one of the coolest sports moments I've ever seen live)... it really had everything. And if that's not enough, the crowd was fucking PUMPED for the entire game. I've never seen a crowd with that level of energy from start to finish, and it got to the point where the guy behind me literally jumped out of his seat and onto my back after a couple big plays near the end of the game. Just an absolutely unbelievable experience.
That night, still feeling a huge adrenaline rush from being at the game, my night turned into an energized drunken adventure that included sake bombing, a karaoke bar, randomly bumping into a girl I went to high school with, an apartment party for someone who leaves for flight school next week, and probably a whole lot more details that I'm forgetting.
Awesome Day #13: Pub Crawl

I'd make a joke about drinking Peruvian beers at an Irish pub, but I've been temporarily blinded by the reflection of the flash off Paul's jacket. Give me a few minutes.
To celebrate the fact that we have MLK day off, eight of us went on a Mountain View pub crawl on Sunday night. Stops included two Irish pubs, a Spanish place, and a dive bar, where we invented a game that was basically the equivalent of "flip a coin... if it's heads, this half of the group drinks; if it's tails, the other half of the group drinks." Car bombs were consumed, beer pong was played, and someone woke up wearing no pants and an inside-out t-shirt. All in all, I'd call it a successful pub crawl.
Awesome Day #14: Brunch at Rick's Cafe

Everyone looks happy but Ryan... probably because he sensed the music we were about to subject him to in the car ride home.
After eating awesome tacos at Nick's and awesome brunch at Rick's, I'm making a new life rule: any time I see a restaurant named __ick's, I'm eating there. Although, in a city like San Francisco, I might regret this if I drive by anywhere called Dick's...
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