-some old Super Nintendo game I used to play at my neighbor's house
As promised, I'm going to be blogging once a week about 40 Days of Awesome (which officially began on January 3rd), because I'm a man who keeps my promises. Unless I forget. Or get lazy. Or am too hungover. Or just don't really feel like blogging that day. But for tonight, I'm a man who keeps his promises! Ladies, take note.
Awesome Day 1: Homecooked meal and beer pairing

Hidden best part of this picture: the fact that my Happy Birthday balloon is still going strong with no signs of deflating, even though my birthday was last September.
Just before the new year, a store called Artisan Wine Depot opened around the corner from me. In addition to having a good beer/wine selection and giving Ansel and Ryan instant boners because they carry Pliny the Elder, they also offer pairing advice. After a little too much partying on New Year's weekend (shocking!), Day 1 began with some low-key awesomeness - cooking some pasta with chicken, mushroom, and tomatoes, and drinking a bottle of Schneider & Brooklyn Hopfen-Weisse at the recommendation of the... whatever you call the people in those stores. Store clerks? Waiters? Wine enthusiasts? I'm going to go with Alcoholics, because they serve alcohol, and because it's fun to say "I got some great advice from the local alcoholic on Tuesday."
Awesome Day #2: Dartmouth Pong

And yes, I was quite generous in doling out the high fives.
Sorry, Dartmouth alumni - I refuse to call it "beer pong." That name remains reserved for beirut. And speaking of beirut, check out how detailed the Wikipedia page for beirut is - they've got diagrams of different arcs and everything. I love Wikipedia.
And we're back! Sorry, that long pause was me spending two hours looking at random Wikipedia articles when I should have been sleeping. They should just rename it Whoreipedia, because once you look at an article, it just sucks you in, and never ever wants to stop sucking your di- I mean, sucking your time away. I suppose the main difference is that a whore doesn't have different people asking you for a donation every 30 seconds, she just charges you up front.
Awesome Day #3: Happy hour at St. Stephen's Green

Alf got a great happy hour special: only $3.50 for an empty glass of beer! You can see her trying to drink it here.
The great thing about awesomeness is that it creates more awesomeness. Thursday began with a simple plan of happy hour at the local Irish pub, and somehow wound up with eating a chef's choice of 10 different types of sushi and washing it down with a bottle of sake that mysteriously appeared at our table. When we gave the waiter who brought the sake a confused look, he just said "it's from Santa", put it on our table, and walked away. Awesome.
Awesome Day #4: Dinner and drinks at Cascal

Useful tip: if you're at a family-style meal, try asking people to pose for a picture. Then, while those suckers are busy posing, eat all the food. 60% of the time it works every time.
Once again: awesomeness breeds awesomeness. After arriving at Cascal with a few friends, I ended up bumping into a few more friends, including two who I hadn't seen in months. This led to me eating dinner and drinking sangria with one group, then hopping tables to eat the leftover meatballs and sangria at the other table. More food + more sangria + more friends = more awesome.
Awesome Day #5: Football and pizza at Mercy House

Ladies and gentlemen: Ryan C., the world's biggest sports fan! (As you can see from his enthusiastic response...)
Continuing the week's theme of awesomeness leading to more awesomeness, football and pizza somehow turned into a late night of several beer pong games in the garage. I have no idea how this happened, especially given that I showed up with a 30 of light pong beer...
Awesome Day #6: Langovers and football

Yup, my Christmas tree is still up. Get used to it, because it's staying up for at least another month.
I am hereby coining a new word: langovers. Langovers are the leftovers you eat while hungover. The best langovers are clearly pizza and Chinese food, although which one is better has been debated ever since the Italian Marco Polo got drunk with the Chinese on his travels and they both woke up feeling like dogshit.
Bonus awesomeness: homemade steak dinner

This tasted even better if you were too hungover to eat much all afternoon, then finally started feeling better and realized you were starving.
Day 6's awesomeness was technically the langovers and football, but given that it was 70 and sunny outside, I managed to break away from the TV just long enough to grill a steak dinner outside. An awesome end to an awesome week.
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