40 Days of Awesome description
Days 1-6
Days 7-14
Days 15-22
Awesome Day #23: Dinner at Evvia
No photo for Evvia, because I was way too excited about lamb chops to remember to take a picture.
Evvia is Greek for Delicious, and it lived up to the name. Or at least that's what I assume it stands for... I tried to look this up in Google Translate, but it told me that Evvia was actually Norwegian, and that it means Euboea, which doesn't really help me at all since I have no idea what Euboea means. Thanks a lot, Google... what a junk company, who the hell runs it? Oh. Right. Never mind. This is awkward. Dinner was delicious, let's move along.
Awesome Day #24: Nightlife at the California Academy of Sciences

In one of the coolest museum exhibits I've ever seen, the jellyfish started out orange, then changed into yellow, then changed into purple, then changed into two humans in a rainforest.
Every Thursday night, the California Academy of Sciences has an event called Nightlife. Nightlife is just like going to the museum any other time, except that there's a DJ, and bars scattered around the building, and there are no little kids on field trips running around... so it's basically nothing like going to the museum any other time. The highlight of the visit was the "living roof", which got its name from the fact that it routinely comes alive and terrorizes the city of San Francisco, and also because it's covered with grass and plants. The jellyfish seen above were also very cool; jellyfish, like many other animals, are incredibly cool as long as there's a piece of glass separating them from me.
Awesome Day #25: Chuck Series Finale

Oops... wrong Chuck. Not that I'd tell him he's wrong to his face...
On Friday, I had the fantastic idea to have people over to watch the series finale of Chuck. Then I realized that the only other person I know who actually watches Chuck lives on the other side of the country... and suddenly, it became clear why it was being canceled after this season.
Awesome Day #26: Dueling Birthdays

The best part about the new Galaxy Nexus is that you can take a bunch of pictures really quickly, which leads to surprised people being caught in beautiful moments like this one.
I was going to call it Dual Birthdays, but everything is cooler when dueling is involved.
Saturday was a day full of birthdays. While Rick Ross and J. Cole didn't invite me to their birthday parties (thanks, assholes), Brendan and Lindsay did. In the morning, I went to a random bus stop at 11:00AM as instructed, only to learn that Bus Stop is actually a bar in San Francisco. This makes a lot more sense, as I was wondering how we were supposed to meet up if we all just went to our random local bus stops with no further instructions.
That evening, I went down to a beer garden in Redwood City called Das Biergardenagenlagenragenmagen, or some German sounding name like that. Shockingly, it turns out that people drink beer when they're at beer gardens - who knew? This seems like a good time to mention that due to the amount of days that seem to involve eating and drinking as the awesome activity, my brother and sister-in-law have renamed my resolution 40 Pounds of Awesome. I'd argue, but it actually seems pretty appropriate.
Awesome Day #27: Bike Ride on Stevens Creek Trail

Those aren't clouds - that's actually the sight of my hangover drifting away as I get some fresh air. (Behind-the-scenes rejected joke caption: it's smoke from the fire on my head.)
Sunday began with me going in to the office to get some work done, as I have a busy week ahead of me. Wait, what? Working on a Sunday is my awesome thing of the day? Well, not exactly. It turned out I was too hungover to stare at spreadsheets on my monitor, so after an hour of work - and by "work" I mean "spending 70% of my energy thinking 'I wonder if it's late enough for me to pop some more Advil', and 30% thinking about my actual work" - I gave up and went outside to get some fresh air, and figured I'd finish up work later in the afternoon when I was less hungover. I've never biked hungover before, and wasn't quite sure what to expect... turns out it's AMAZING. The fresh air and the wind on your face really help cure the hangover. I wouldn't rank it quite as high as a 5-piece nuggets and a Frosty from Wendy's on my list of hangover cures, but it's up there.
Hey, remember when I used to end every column with a joke about popping collars? That made wrapping these things up way easier because I didn't have to think of any way to end it. This time, instead of writing an ending, I think I'll just pretend that my internet cut out in the middle of a
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