This is my weekend
Written only in haikus
By Andrew Meyer
Finish work Friday
Hooray! Now the weekend starts
No work, only play
Give Steve a ride home
Go inside to have a drink
“A” turns into “five”
Margaritas, yum.
“Vicky how do you make these?”
“Pre-made mix, dumbass.”
Eddy speaks Russian
That damn dirty commie fuck
Da da da da da
On to PA bar
“NoLa?” I see no flashing.
We need more boobs. Fail.
Rest of night a blur
I don’t really remember
Let’s jump to next day.
Wake up Saturday
Why does the room spin so fast?
My head fucking hurts.
Cocoa pebbles, yum
Better than Harry Potter
Sorry, Madeleine.
You remember when
Puni claimed W was only
One syllable? Ha.
Back to Mercy House
Need to pick up my car there
Guess I’ll hop on bike.
Cali is awesome
Outside in January
And it’s 64!
Ravens-Titans game
They score less than Steve Carrell
When he played virgin.

C'mon guys... even I could have found a way to score more than three times all game.
Cardinals-Panthers game
This game isn’t even close
Hey Jake, that’s wrong team
Vietnamese food
Holy crap this menu’s huge
I feel overwhelmed
Mercy House again?
Sure, why not, let’s play some pong
Too full, bad idea.
Back at home, it’s late
Write haikus at 2 AM
Not sure why. Oh well
My dreams make no sense
Toy chair, blue tree, donkey light
Bag of Norways. Huh?
Sandwiches with Paige
Turkey sandwiches are great
Where’s Ed Hochuli?
This ref isn’t jacked at all
I am unimpressed
Five dollar footlong
I’m sick of your commercials
Please go away. Thanks
That was my weekend.
Hope you liked my poetry
Oh and don’t forget…
You look like a tool
When you have your collar popped
You are a douchebag.
You make me happy
When you post upon blog
keep up the good work
Andrew Meyer! Where have all your witty columns gone? What are you doing out there in Cali? NOT WRITING that's for sure :o)
A Haiku:
Su and Allie drink
wine in central park all day
new york city rocks
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