Tuesday, October 05, 2010

What's New?

I can do a pretty bad job staying in touch with my friends. Out of all the people I wish I spoke to on a regular basis, I’d guess that only about half of them would say we really stay in touch. (Breakdown of the other half: 25% live in this area, 15% occasionally have drunken conversations with a random redhead at a bar in Boston and think that it was me, and 10% I actually talk to. And by “actually talk to”, I mean “occasionally send drunk texts notifying them how much their favorite team/athlete/actor/flavor of ice cream/type of wood to make tables with/singer sucks.") This past weekend, I had a couple of conversations with some friends I hadn’t spoken with in months, and I was happier than a pedophile who just got hired at a Toys "R" Us to finally catch up with them. Yet, one thing continues to plague me like a European in 1348 - my inability to answer the simple question “what’s new?” It comes up every time you talk to someone you haven't talked to in a long time, and it should be so easy to answer... and yet, it never is.

Hop in your Delorean and go back in time with me for a minute. We’re going to go way back - picture Chris Berman saying “BACK BACK BACK BACK BACK BACK” on a home run, and then tack on a few more backs to that - all the way to this past Friday. Yes, I know Friday was a long time ago, and the world was a different place. You’d eaten 12 fewer meals, Randy Moss would never be traded, and I was yet to discover the Grandma’s Special Burrito at La Fiesta............................................................................................................................ oh hey, sorry about that, I just fell asleep as part of my food coma that I still have from eating that burrito 9 hours ago. Anyway, I know Friday was about 17.3 eternities ago, but you’ll have to use your imagination and try your best. I hadn’t talked to this friend in about six months, give or take a month or two. Over the past six months, I’ve one all sorts of stuff - hell, I’ve been to Las Vegas three times during that time period, and that should be more than enough ammo right there - and yet, when asked what’s new, the best answer I could come up with was “ummmm... I dunno, same shit, but I guess that’s good.”

What the fuck you mean, "more than enough ammo"? When it comes to ammo, no such thing as more than enough.

In the grand scheme of poor answers to questions, where does this fall? Probably not quite as bad as saying “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” when thousands of media members are currently investigating an obvious scandal, but it’s up there. Side rant: given that women are attracted to power, that presidents are under a lot of stress, and that so many politicans are sleazy dirtbags who think “morals” are those big paintings you see on walls, how many times do you think a president has cheated on his wife since George Washington took office 211 years ago? I say 67, although the number is skewed because 64 of them were Clinton. The other three? Martin Van Buren, whose illegitimate children conceived during these cheating sessions went on to become the infamous Van Buren boys.

Hey Costanza, did you know that our secret handshake is actually a variation of the top secret Presidential High Five?

Why is it so tough to answer such a simple question? It’s not like you’re Jason Biggs and were just asked “what are you doing???” after someone walked in on you with an apple pie. I have no real answer to this, other than a long boring explanation about how life goes by fast, the days blend together, blahlbahblah... but wouldn’t you rather spend the next 20 minutes playing this than reading a boring explanation?

Thursday, September 02, 2010


According to Wikipedia, this is an English sandwich. I believe a French sandwich is the same thing, except the sandwiches are held together by toothpicks, and the toothpicks have little white surrender flags on the end.

At lunch today, we had a fascinating discussion about an incredibly interesting topic. However, I’m not here to tell you about that. I’m here to tell you about a different part of lunch, in which we discussed the definition of a sandwich.

What exactly is a sandwich? The quick answer is easy - “It’s some food between two pieces of bread.” But if you keep thinking about it, it becomes more and more complex. A wrap doesn’t have two pieces of bread; is a wrap a sandwich? If a wrap counts as a sandwich, why shouldn’t a burrito? Isn’t it the same idea of wrapping food in another flour-based piece of food? Should the KFC Double Down count as a sandwich? It certainly doesn’t have two pieces of bread, but it still seems like a sandwich. Will this paragraph ask more questions than an obnoxiously curious eight year old boy, or fewer? What about an open-faced sandwich? There’s only one piece of bread on that, and it’s not even wrapping around the sandwich. And if an open-faced sandwich is defined as a piece of bread with some food on top, why shouldn't a pizza count as a sandwich? Why doesn’t everyone consider a hamburger a sandwich, when it fits the classic definition?

Clearly, the only solution is to consider “sandwich” to be a very wide classification, and to break it down into several sub-sandwich categories. Think of it as your high school biology class, except far more delicious - Sandwich is the order, the type and pattern of bread is the family, the type of meat is the fetus, and the specific type of sandwich is the species, or something like that. Except, as Billy Madison has taught us, high school biology is “Borophyll” boring. So instead, let’s just break sandwiches out into 7 groups. Why 7? Because I bet that both Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman enjoy a good sandwich.

Brad: Hey Morgan, how many sandwiches have you eaten since we started filming?
Morgan: I don't know, let me check my diet sheet and see... 3 BLTs, 4 turkey clubs, 2 reubens... do burgers count?

Sandwich #1 - The Classic, or, Sliced Meat on Bread

The classic sandwich requires 2 ingredients - sliced meat and bread. It must have at one slice of bread on the bottom, sliced meat in the middle, and one slice of bread on the top. Many ingredients can be added to the middle: lettuce, tomatoes, mayonaisse, bacon, and so on. Some people even choose to add pickles to their sandwiches; these people are called “assholes.”

The following items do not make it into The Classic sandwich category: wraps (missing two slices of bread), hamburgers (meat is whole, not sliced), ice cream (melts too fast in hot weather.)

Sandwich #2 - The Kindergartner, or, PB&J

The PB&J was the toughest omission for the Classic category. (If you’re keeping score at home, the easiest omission was “a freight train.”) However, it clearly has no sliced meat, and we can’t change the criteria just for one sandwich. History has taught us that no sandwich is above the law; whenever one believes that it may be, a revolution is never far behind, often ending with the sandwich laying face down in a guillotine. Which is then followed by a perfectly chopped in half sandwich, so everybody wins. Let’s move on before we start discussing the fiefdom of the BLT.

Sandwich #3 - The 49er, or, Vegetarian Sandwiches That Aren’t PB&Js

The San Francisco 49ers have almost everything you’d want in a football team. On offense, they have a solid running back (Frank Gore), a stud tight end (Vernon Davis), and one of the better young prospects in the game at wide receiver (Michael Crabtree.) Their defense is good, and they have a well respected coach who has awesome quotes lining billboards down the 101 and was equally awesome in Tecmo Bowl (Mike Singletary). Unfortunately, they’re missing arguably the most important piece of the team - a good quarterback.

The 49er sandwich is similar. You’ve got everything you need for a good sandwich, but you’re missing the meat. A lettuce and tomato on wheat sandwich is 5 slices of turkey away from cracking my top 10 sandwiches. A caprese on foccacia sandwich is one piece of chicken away from being a Super Plate contender, and one toaster away from being a dynasty. Just like the 49ers are one quarterback away from being a serious threat in the playoffs, these sandwiches are so close to being so good... and yet, until they find that piece, they’ll never be anything more than mediocre.

Sandwich #4 - The Linner, or, Whole Meat on Bread

The Linner is similar to the classic, with the only difference being that the meat is not sliced. Interestingly, by not slicing the meat, the Linner instantly becomes a viable option for dinner. While the Classic could technically be eaten for dinner, it’s a bigger stretch than Dhalsim’s punches, and you’re much better off with a Linner.

While the two most notable Linners are burgers and grilled chicken sandwiches, one often overlooked option is a fish sandwich. Whether it’s a fried fish sandwich or a blackened salmon sandwich, it still counts as a Linner. Some people might not consider fish to be "meat", but they're probably the same people who put pickles on their sandwiches, so they don't deserve the right to vote anyway.

Sandwich #5 - The Soulja Boy, or, Wraps

Why the Soulja Boy? Because obviously, the name for a wrap had to be a rapper. Because there’s no denying that sometimes, you’re just in the mood for a wrap. Because sometimes, a wrap is the right choice, and can be even more enjoyable than a Classic. But at the end of the day, a wrap is still a novelty - it’s a little bit different than the more mainstream sandwiches, and it can be fun and tasty to eat, but few would argue that it’s actually a better sandwich, and almost nobody would answer the question “If you could only have one type of sandwich every day for the next month, what would you choose?” with a wrap, just like almost nobody would say that they only wanted to hear Soulja Boy every time they turned on their stereo for the next month, which, coincidentally, is also the same length of time it will take you to read this entire sentence, since it's running on longer than a slow ultramarathoner, which by the way, is an awesome name for a sport; why can't we append the prefix "ultra" to other sports, so for example, an Olympic competition in the high jump, which is far higher than a high school track meet's high jump, would be called an Ultrahighjump competition?

(175 words, one sentence. I haven't seen writing that wordy since Peter took a Renaissance Literature class.)

Hey... wait, wasn't that our cue? Why hasn't our flashback started yet? Damn it, the director must have fallen asleep again...

Sandwich #6 - The Phoenix Sun, or, Open-Faced Sandwiches

I’m going to use another sports analogy here, and if you don’t like it, go read someone else’s blog. (Wait... that was a joke! No, don’t click the back button! Wait just a-” damn, too late.)

Similar to the 49er, the Phoenix Sun is missing one key piece - in this case, it’s the 2nd piece of bread. However, unlike the 49er, while this is definitely a key component of a sandwich, it doesn’t necessarily ruin the sandwich if everything else is still good. The Phoenix Suns aren’t usually the best defensive team - in fact, their defense is often adequate at best - but that doesn’t stop them from winning 50 games a year, having tons of fans, and being one of the most fun teams to watch, just like it’s fun to try and watch someone eat a delicious open-faced sandwich that’s covered in sauce without letting the lack of a 2nd piece of bread create a gigantic mess all over the place.

Sandwich #7, 7.3, 7.5, and 7.8 - The Oompas, or, Finger Sandwiches

I had to write a few different numbers here to get us a complete 7, since one finger sandwich alone isn’t really a whole sandwich. Designed to be an appetizer but delicious in large numbers as an entree as well, finger sandwiches are interesting in that they’re the only sandwich that, outside of size, could actually fall into any of the other categories - you could have a little meatball on a miniature piece of French bread (a diminutive Phoenix Sun), a slider (a small Linner), and so on. There’s many different names for these miniature sandwiches, but I think finger sandwiches is the most appropriate, because it takes into account the variable size of different fingers. A teatime sandwich on a platter is a pinky, while a nearly full size slider is a middle finger, and others are in between. Plus, now that we’ve established that the slider is a middle finger, when you’re cooking one and it’s time to flip it, you can refer to it as Flipping the Bird. And if it’s a chicken slider, well, I guess it’s just a pun lover’s lucky day - fitting, since this category is lucky #7.

There you have it - the definitive guide to sandwiches. I’d stick around to answer the many questions this blog entry opened with that remain unanswered, but writing about sandwiches so long has made me crave one, so I’m off to enjoy a good late night Oompa or three. Until next time, remember - sandwiches don’t pop their collars, and neither should you.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Murse Musings

Upon realizing that I hadn't written a column in over a year, I decided to do what any reasonable and responsible writer would do - I dropped everything I was doing, turned the TV off, put away the snacks, and took a shower. After all, any reasonable and responsible writer knows that one should shower after going to the gym.

Freshly clean, I sat down to compose what I'm sure will go down as our generation's great piece of literature. Homer had The Odyssey; Shakespeare had Romeo and Juliet; Tolstoy had War and Peace; and now, after tonight, the world will remember Meyer's If I had a murse, I wonder what I'd put in it?

"Holy crap, my career would have been 30x better if I'd starred in If I had a murse, I wonder what I'd put in it? instead of this crap." -Leonardo DiCaprio

So... enough background details. Nobody goes to a nice steakhouse for the salad, time to get to the meat of this thing. (And if they do, they're probably the type of man who already has a murse anyway, so they don't need to be reading this.)


This was a question I recently found myself pondering, and it would rank #67 in my Life's Great Questions list, just between #66 (Why was the fight between Gaston and the Beast so close? He's a fucking BEAST (literally), it'd be more lopsided than a physics debate between Stephen Hawking and Peter Griffin) and #68 (Why did Kobayashi wait until AFTER the hot dog contest ended before he tried to charge the stage and claim he was the real champion, instead of just going up there before and demanding they let him compete?) It was inspired by a conversation with a female friend about her purse, and my thought that I could already hold everything I needed in 2 pockets. (If you're curious, the list of "everything I need" is wallet, keys, cell phone, chapstick. Russ once told me that if you have your wallet, keys, and cell phone, you'll be able to get anything else you forgot; I agree, but also don't like to wait if I need more chapstick.

Sometimes your lips just hurt real bad and you don't wanna wait, gosh!

However, once we started talking about it more, I realized there are many uses for a murse. Here is the complete, comprehensive, all-inclusive, too lazy to look in a thesaurus for more ways to say that, list of things I would keep in my murse:
  • Wallet
  • Keys
  • Cell phone
  • Chapstick
  • Camera - I never seem to have a camera on me. Now, I could upgrade from "Guy who never takes pictures" to "Guy who has a camera but still never takes pictures". At this rate, I'll be at "Guy who takes pictures but forgets to turn on the flash" in no time!
  • A pen and post-its - If I had a nickel for every time I needed to write something down but didn't have the necessary supplies, I'd... well, I have no idea how much money I'd have, because I was never able to write down how many times it happened.
  • Advil - for those times where you get on a 6-hour flight and you get a headache within 5 minutes, then have to wait 5 hours and 55 minutes until you land to get to the baggage claim, retrieve your toiletry kit, and pop a couple pills. Or, if you want a simpler thing to relate to, "because hangovers suck."
Damn... that's a pretty useful murse right there. Unfortunately, the use of "not looking like a tool" still outweighs it, so I'll pass. But really, if you're going to buy a murse, there's pretty much only two ways you can go with it. And what are those two ways? I give you... MAGNUM!

...and now that I've given you that, I give you the two ways.

The Overcompensating Manly One
  • 6-pack of PBR
  • Football
  • The Alphabet of Manliness
  • Keys to Harley parked outside
  • Oversized jar of protein powder that's way too big for me to ever use up
  • Spare Tapout shirt, for when I get blood stains on this one after kicking someone's ass
  • Another oversized jar of protein powder
  • Pack of tissues, so you can wipe the tears off your face when you realize that no matter how much manly shit you put in your murse, you're still carrying a murse
The Admitting Defeat One
  • Makeup
  • Lipstick
  • Hair dryer
  • Water bottle, so I can put on fake tears quickly and cry my way out of speeding tickets
  • Tampons

So, there you have it. Of course, there's a 50-50 chance that the only way I would ever even consider writing so much on a murse is that I made a bet along the lines of "hey Meyer, I bet you $20 that you can't write 856 words about murses." While I can neither confirm nor deny that statement, I CAN tell you that as of the end of this sentence, I'm going to be at 851 words, so just to be safe....

Murse murse murse murse murse.