Saturday, August 19, 2006

Airports... AKA Dante's 5th Circle of Hell

Vacations have several stages. They start with the stage of eager anticipation, with the traveler sitting around like a kid waiting for his parents to wake up so he can rip his Christmas presents open. Unfortunately, the Christmas analogy ends there… unless, in order to get to the inside of the present, the child has to tear apart an electrified barbed wire wrapper that fries him like an egg on a sidewalk in Death Valley when he touches it. This step, between the goodness of booking your vacation and the goodness of the vacation itself, is known as “the airport.” It’s sort of like an Oreo cookie, but instead of frosting, it’s a mix of vomit, dead skunk, and a dead skunk’s vomit.

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Airports, in a nutshell.

I recently traveled to the dirrty south, and decided to document my wonderful travel process, since those of you who know me know that I just loooove flying. Interesting… Word thinks I was trying to spell “dirty”, and even autocorrected me. Suck it, Microsoft Spell Check, you pompous piece of crap. Andrew: 1, Spellcheck: 7369… but I’m catching up, and that’s what counts.

The Incredible Journey begins at the asscrack of dawn, and unlike the 5th grade book, it does not involve any pets trying to find their way home. Sure, the flight may not be until mid-morning, but my father always seems to belong to the “let’s get there 37 hours early even though half the planes we’ve ever been on were delayed” school of thought. The car ride to the airport goes rather smoothly, but as soon as we hop out, it’s made clear that we’re going to continue rushing. My dad rams the cart into the curb, discovers it won’t wheel over, then backs up one step and rams it again, causing half the bags to fall onto the sidewalk. This is followed by a frenzied panic of scooping them all up and continuing like crazies down the terminal. Our mad dash, which makes Michael Johnson look like Jerome Bettis, catapults the airport security level past all the citrus colors and into Blood Red, as they wonder why the man with all that luggage is making a mad dash towards the security gate. But hey, you know the saying… “If at first you don’t succeed, heave everyone else’s luggage onto the sidewalk.”

Once inside, after waiting in a line of 100 people where everyone seems to think that standing 4 inches behind me and breathing heavily on the back of my neck will somehow make me move up faster to check in, we finally make our way to the security check. Let me give you a piece of advice: always, ALWAYS, wear socks when you go to the airport. Apparently, my shoes now need to be x-rayed, since they could be weapons. This idea was probably caused by The Shoe Incident of 1995, when a man took his shoe off and beat four people to death with it. Meanwhile, the poor saps who forgot to wear socks must walk barefoot on a floor that even a fungus-infested, athlete’s-foot-covered locker room shower floor wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole.

After finally making it through the security checkpoint, we arrive at the gate, where the television is set to CNN, which is currently informing us that airports are not yet safe enough… always a comforting thought as the last thing to see before boarding an airplane. Fortunately, the headline says “Winning War on Terror?”, which makes me laugh as I think of “I’m Ron Burgundy?”. And speaking of movie references, am I the only person who, when you get to the front of the ticket line, just wants to whip out a badge and yell “don’t worry… I’m a limo driver!” and dart down the tunnel towards the plane?

Upon finally boarding the plane, you’re always forced to sit there for another hour or so, hanging out on the runway, with the pilot occasionally coming on the intercom to inform you that there’s a little bit of traffic, just in case you’re too stupid to allow the 39 fucking planes sitting outside your window make you realize it on your own.. Which always makes me wonder… if every flight since the Wright brothers has had to sit on the runway for at least 20 minutes, why not just let us all hang out in the airport for the extra 20 minutes before boarding, instead of packing us like sardines into seats where I always get stuck behind the guy who reclines his seat? (On a side note, funny story: I know a guy who’s probably about 6’4” and a very strong 240, who decided he would loudly comment on the fact that he hates when the guy in front of him reclines all the way into his knees, which caused the leaner in front to begin turning around yelling “you know, all I want is a little slee-”, and then stopped mid-sentence when he realized who he was picking a fight with, and promptly turned around and shut the hell up for the rest of the plane ride. Stories like this never cease to amuse me.)

Eventually, we get up in the air, and while there are no snakes on my plane, there are a hell of a lot of shakes, which mixes around the liquid in my bladder to the point that I can’t hold it in anymore, and have to use the “lavatory”, which is dumbass-speak for “bathroom.” Whenever I have to urinate on a plane, I know what the Hunchback of Notre Dame must feel like when he has to piss. My head constantly bumps into the ceiling as the turbulence makes even the most skilled urinator spray like a defective sprinkler. On a related note, I believe it’s physically impossible for someone my size to join the mile high club, unless it’s with a dwarf.

After finally landing, you get the joy of standing around by the baggage claim watching bag after bag that isn’t yours go around the conveyor belt and disappear into the mysterious other side of the wall, which I’m fairly certain is secretly the location of 72% of the world’s sweatshops. However, the baggage claim can be fun; simply use it as an opportunity to throw out cheesy pickup lines to people from thousands of miles away. I recommend finding a girl with a small suitcase and saying something along the lines of “hey baby, I noticed you don’t have much baggage. What do you say you and I travel to the land of intimacy?” This seems like a good time to remind you that sunglasses are vital for any beach vacation, as they’ll also defend you from the mace that will inevitably be sprayed in your direction after lines like this one.

One final note on traveling: don’t forget, rental cars are the perfect tools for practicing your e-brake 180’s and drifting techniques.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I Love Lamp

I have to return to my A.D.D. roots this week and make it a list of random thoug- OH LOOK SHINY OBJECT!

Reports on the news have said that Mel Gibson is “Not a bigot”, and didn’t really mean those comments. In other news, the Grand Dragon of the KKK announced earlier today “hey guys, I was just kidding! I love blacks and Jews! Haha, boy did I fool you guys!”

While I had originally planned on moving to Atlanta after college – it’s got warm weather, Chick Fil-a, Waffle House, and three major sports teams (four if you count the Hawks), and a cool nickname (ATL) – I think I’m actually going to move to Belgium instead, where my diet will consist entirely of Belgian Waffles and Stella Artois.

Upon watching the classic (and deeply intellectual) Major League 2 recently, I had several thoughts. This caused an intense headache, as I’m not exactly used to doing things like “thinking.” Anyway, thoughts:

1) What were Jack Parkman’s numbers in the American League Championship Series? I’m guessing something like 24 for 25, 17 home runs, and 40 RBIs over the course of 5 games.

2) Ever notice that in baseball movies, the signs the catcher gives for pitches are things like “1 finger = fastball”, or “2 fingers = curveball”, but in real baseball, the symbol for fastball is something like “three fingers down, point 30 degrees to the left, grab crotch twice, do your best Happy Hands Club imitation, spell a couple words in sign lanauge, make a shadow puppet dog, clap three times, and flip the bird”? Why is this?

3) The girl who played Rebecca Flannery’s name is Alison Doody. Hehehe… “Doody.”

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Major League 2... more classic than Casablanca and Gone With the Wind combined.

With College just weeks away, I have decided to learn from nature and be more like a bear. You see, before bears hibernate for the winter, they eat a ton of food. Similarly, before I head off to the Land of Non-free Snacks, I’m stockpiling Chewy Chips Ahoys and Tostitos in my stomach.

While looking at ESPN headlines this past week, I saw one that said “Wang hits two Devil Rays”, and was very entertained… then realized I had mis-read it, and it actually said “Wang two-hits Devil Rays.” I haven’t been this disappointed since the TV Guide said Caddyshack was on, but it was actually Caddyshit 2.

Sometimes people ask me why I don’t like wine. I tell them I’m not a whiner like them. And speaking of wine, my favorite line of the week comes from a lactose-intolerant friend, who, in the middle of her whining, before I could make a joke about it, said “and I can’t even have cheese with my whine! This sucks.”

Has anybody ever seen the word “lather” used in anything other than shampoo directions? I’m picturing a bunch of shampoo executives in an office, thinking “well… we need to make directions. What should we say? Take the shampoo and rub it all around your hair, rinse, repeat?”
“Hey, let’s just make up a word instead. How’s ‘lather’ sound?”
“Works for me.”

Apparently, ECW is on the SciFi channel now. For those of you who didn’t know, ECW is a WWE-owned wrestling league. Which begs the question… what the hell is pro wrestling doing on the SciFi channel? I guess it must be science, because we all know there’s no way wrestling is fiction. And on a side note, it may have been several years ago, but I’m still amused by the fact that a bunch of big badass wrestlers had to change their name from WWF to WWE because a few nature-lovers demanded it. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, the World Wildlife Federation sued them over the initials a while back.)

New York has recently put out an ad campaign against speeding, with the slogan “Obey the signs or pay the fines.” I like this rhyming slogan idea, and I think they should extend it to other aspects of life. For example, we could have anti-drug campaigns saying “Do hugs, not drugs.” Or, the slightly more effective “If you smoke pot, you’ll fucking get shot.” And don't forget folks, "Rape is for Apes."

While listening to the radio instead of doing work recently, I heard an ad for my company while I was sitting in their office. I took it as a sign… and that sign was “well, now seems like a good time for my lunch break.”

(Doesn’t even need a joke… it’s so stupid that it’s hilarious on its own.)

Ever notice that Wal*Mart always has about 30 checkout lines… but never has more than three lanes open?

CNN has reported that “Hezbollah pummeled northern Israel today with 190 rockets – the highest number in one day – killing a man riding a bicycle and wounding more than a dozen others, according to Israeli police.” Now, I’m not going to mock the situation there, and I think it’s awful that so many are dying… but that being said, honestly, how the hell can you shoot 190 rockets and only manage to kill one person? Who was manning the rocket launcher, Stevie Wonder?

In other news, CNN has also reported that “Scientists take step toward Obesity Vaccine”… also known as “Exercise.”

I’m finished like the loser in a game of Mortal Kombat.